Thursday, March 3, 2011

Indesign cs5 new features can be used by you for your web based brochure. It has new coolio interactive features such as animation, which allows you to add motion paths to your text and photos. As well as a timing feature that allows you to time when these motions will take place. Videos and slide shows can also be added to the interactive brochure.Another feature is Interactive for pdf workspace which allows you to include things lik hyperlinks and bookmarks for a pdf. The regular interactive is to be used for swf or flash. You can also preview the animations and interactive features by clicking preview on the right panel. You can also export your interactive brochure to flash and still maintain the treading betweent the text and selectable as normal. Now i can include awesome new animation features to my brochure for my client. I think my client would be greatly pleased by this because it gives their brochure something more special. :)

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