Thursday, March 31, 2011

Brochure Peer Review

           In my visual deisgn class we had to create a brochure for a client using all the knowledge we have of photoshop and indesign. Many of which where well done altough having a few flaws here and there. I had to review to of my fellow peer's brochure. Both of them worked on a brochure for Friendly's as their choosen client. Brian Perez's Brochure for Friendly followed the format for a brochure and had the inside of the brochure contained the bulk of the information. However on the inside of the brochure it seems like the information should have been spread out more. All the information was put into one panel macking the panel packed. The font size was also made to small for someone to be able to read. I do love the pictures he used for his brochure as well as the font style. Overall his brochure was very well thought out and nice.
           My other peer who also worked on a brochure for Friendly's is Javon Mcdonald. Javon had very nice cutouts of photos and went along with the red color scheme like I noticed in Brians. However the alignment in this was off. I would also have suggested making the font size bigger for the company name, Friendly's, and the info below it smaller. The bulk of the information was placed in the inner panels as the format had requeted. I enjoyed viewing my fellow classmates brochures.

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