Friday, February 25, 2011


1.)The purpose of my porfolio was to organize the past work I have done to be viewed and accessed by others. This porfolio can be used to show samples of my work and how i progressed overtime. Which can be useful when applying for colleges. It can also be used later on for when I am applying for a job to show to the employeer.
2.) I created my porfolio using Adobe Acrobat and photoshop. First I created a welcome page using photoshop. I kept the welcome page simple so it wouldnt be too overpowering. I had set up a folder structure following the format that was provided to me and my fellow classmates. After creating the welcome page and the folder setup, pdf copies of our work was put into the folder in which they belonged, along with a narratives of each. After we learned to create a header in which we put our contact information and a photo (optional)
3.) We streamlined the file size by changing it to a different format (pdf) to decrease the file sizes without weakening the quality of the image.
4.) The portfolio I have is not an accurate example of all my work so far because ther where many files missing from my porfolio.

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